Produced by Will Geraldo
Performed by V.A.I.N.
Alessandro Queler – synths and keys
Emerson Formiga – bass
Giulliano P. – guitar, acoustic guitar and backing vocals
Gustavo Rabello – drums
Will Geraldo – vocals, guitar, acoustic guitar, keyboards and drums on ´A Normal Day´
All songs written by Will Geraldo except ´A Tree Tall Enough´ by Jr Bernucci and Will Geraldo
Engineered by Fabio Ferreira and Will Geraldo between July and November 2008 at Mix Music (São Paulo – Brazil)
Mixed by Will Geraldo between November and December 2008 at Cantara Lab (São Paulo – Brazil)
Remastered by Will Geraldo in June 2012 at Cantara Lab (São paulo – Brazil)
Artwork by Erik Muller
(Junior Bernucci / Will Geraldo)
I don’t want you here
You bring all those feelings that I thought were gone
Will you help me now?
I know you won’t, you never will but how can I change the past?
And now you see what you have done to me
Before you came along I was so quiet in my own hell
I want to find a tree tall enough
To hang myself, to hide myself and make things just like before
You make me feel so bad
And even worse when I recall those crap stories you used to tell
You easily screwed up
So many lives as well as mine with promises and nothing else
And now you see what you have done to me
Before you came along I was so quiet in my own hell
I want to find a tree tall enough
To hang myself, to hide myself and make things just like before
(Will Geraldo)
You think you know me
You think you know the man you’re looking at
But you have no idea of who I am
You have no idea of who you’re talking to
Nobody knows what goes on inside my head
A simple gesture, a simple smile
That’s easy and anyone can get that
But what about the real thing
A feeling that burns inside
A feeling that hurts up to the point of you asking yourself what it’s worth
Should I go on, should I continue, should I go on
I’m asking myself, should I go on?
Who in here hasn’t heard
Words of praise, love and hate
The fine line between heaven and hell,
Pleasure and suffering
What hurts most is that
Every time I try to get through
I can only do it by shouting and crying
There’s a wall I can never break, there’s a feeling I can never take
But for you it’s easy when all you have to do is turn your back
To the ones who thought they meant something to you
They meant nothing
(Will Geraldo)
Problems come in different sizes
It very much depends on the way you look at it
If you allow me to say
I’ve been there not once or twice but many times
Now, tell me, what do you do?
So you keep your mouth shut
This is what I’m trying to show you
A friend of mine used to say
‘Everything will work itself out’
That may be right, so what are we to do?
Will you act upon your problem?
Will you wait until it gets worse?
Too many questions ? Difficult isn’t it?
For what is worth, for the sake of your well being, do something, will you?
But remember, I’m not giving any advice here.
I’m not good at that.
Only suggestions if you want them
(Will Geraldo)
I know you always wanted but you never met any of my fears
You try but you can’t get enough of your own tears
I say you must stop ‘cos you’re going too far, you’re just getting mad
You reply by asking me to leave you alone ‘cos you like to be sad
And I …
I know,
I learnt with you
About this pain that can cut you through
I open my eyes just in time and now I’m awake
It seems to me you will never recover from this dream of yours
I found a way out and I wanted to show you but you locked all the doors
(Will Geraldo)
If you think about it
If you look behind
You will realize
How much already happened
Day after day
In a fast pace
No matter what you do
You wouldn’t even notice
This thing will fucking kill you
Right before your eyes
Get rid of time and watches
At least the hour hand
Would you really stop it
If you had a chance
Boredom could kill you faster
Not even another ten
With some bad news today
I thought of changing it all
I thought of friends of mine
Who’ve been through all this pain
Someone please give me a tree
A tree tall enough
To hang all these feelings
Still left in me
Tough times ask
For tough measures but
It will be a lot worst
If you look behind
So put your head up
Look ahead of you
And live everything
That’s left to live
Time won’t stand still
It’s on me now
They own me now
All at once
Try again
I won’t live forever
(Will Geraldo)
Silly jokes, funny faces and trousers down
You are what you are
Respected by many, part of our lives
It would never happen if you weren’t there
You are what you are
11 hours driving, non stop laughing
Grew up long before any of us
You are what you are
Sow your flowers, sow your children
The never ending concern
Right or wrong, good or bad
We never understood
‘cos we were nothing but kids trying to teach you a lesson
But things don’t work out that way
And you are what you are
Problems here and problems there
You are what you are
I lost track of how many arguments we had
Trying to change it
But you are what you are
Besides, a perfect mind can’t be changed
Getting up early in the morning
You are what you are
The smell of coffee and polished door frames
(Will Geraldo)
I wanted to see you but things got in the way
Will I see you again?
People say it will happen soon, maybe after winter
Will I see you again?
I never felt you so close before
White yellow red
It could’ve been anything and everything
White yellow red
You decided to go somewhere else instead
White yellow red
And although you thought you had gone
The truth is that you were never so close
Will I see you again?
I wish you all the best
White yellow red
Make the most of your light
White yellow red
And perhaps one day, we might meet again
White yellow red
(Will Geraldo)
Can you keep a secret?
I didn’t see when she left
I think she was wearing gray
But she’s more beautiful in orange and black
A bird, a cat, a rainy day
Cars coming up the road
People staring at me
I can’t see the other side of the hill
Is it greener in there?
Is it true ? Is it greener in there?
I had breakfast on my own
The toast was burnt and i was out of tea
I think I’ll pop into the shop
Anything to keep me busy